On Monday 13 March 2023, Luxembourg's Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region confirmed that a total of 670 people have signed up at a new edition of the Orientation Day of the Welcome and Integration Contract (CAI) that took place at the European Conference Center Luxembourg (ECCL) in Luxembourg-Kirchberg on Saturday 11 March.
More than 670 signatories of the CAI registered to attend this event which was organised by the Department of Integration of the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region. During the Orientation Day, participants had the opportunity to learn about administrative procedures, the country's institutions and the associative life in Luxembourg.
In her welcome address, the Minister for Family Affairs and Integration, Corinne Cahen, emphasised the importance of political participation of non-Luxembourgers for Luxembourg and its municipalities. "Our democracy can only function if everyone participates. Register to vote in the communal elections of 11 June. Local politics determine the daily life of all of us."
In a panel, five representatives from different sectors were on stage to discuss the topics of political and citizen participation: Pierre Reding from the Ministry of Education, Children and Youth, Steve Glangé from the Ministry for Digitalisation, Nenad Dubajic of CEFIS, Anne Hoffmann from the "Agence du bénévolat" and Marc Piron from ASTI. Anne Daems from the Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region moderated the plenary session.
Workshops and information stands for better orientation in Luxembourg
The participants then had the opportunity to familiarise themselves with administrative procedures, the country's institutions and associative life in Luxembourg.
At 35 information stands, representatives of different ministries, administrations and associations in Luxembourg were present to answer the signatories’ questions on integration issues, such as political, civic and associative participation, continuous education and recognition of diplomas and culture.
In the interactive workshops, participants were able to discover areas where their commitment can make a difference, for example volunteering, administrative simplification and language practice.
The Welcome and Integration Contract (CAI)
The CAI is an optional integration programme for all non-Luxembourgish residents, which offers its signatories to discover Luxembourg, its languages, its customs and its institutions through language training, civic education and an Orientation Day.