Grand Ducal Palace;

On Wednesday 17 August 2022, the Luxembourg City Tourist Office (LCTO) released tourism statistics for the extended Assumption week-end, showing a return to pre-pandemic levels.

According to the LCTO, this considerable influx of visitors is part of the growing trend observed from the start of the 2022 tourist season.

Tourist welcome office

Over the four days, from 12 to 15 August 2022, the Luxembourg City Tourist Office (LCTO) recorded no less than 2,649 customers passing through the tourist reception office located at Place Guillaume II. Compared to 2019 statistics, the number of visitors recorded reached 99.96%, which therefore indicates a return to the pre-pandemic level.

According to the countries of residence of the customers, visitors from France were the most numerous with a total of 579 people, followed by 513 Dutch visitors, 488 German residents, 162 Luxembourg visitors and 146 Belgian visitors.

Grand Ducal Palace

During the Assumption weekend, 460 visitors took part in 23 guided tours of the Grand Ducal Palace. This represents an occupancy rate of 100%, which shows the great interest of the public for this exclusive guided tour.

Note: guided tours take place until 31 August 2022 inclusive. Tickets are available online at and at the LCTO tourist office located at Place Guillaume II.

Guided tours

During these four days, 98 visitors (out of 140 places available) went to discover the city of Luxembourg by taking part in one of the planned guided tours organized by the LCTO, in particular the City Promenade and the Circuit Wenzel. In addition, the LCTO organized 20 guided tours with personal guides for private groups.

Pétrusse Casemates

Since its reopening on 5 June 2022, a total of 2,803 visitors have taken part in an exploration of the Casemates de la Pétrusse, representing an occupancy rate of 96.48% of the available places.

Website interest

From 12 - 15 August 2022, the LCTO recorded a total of 43,375 page views by 16,674 visitors to the website, which represents a 12.97% increase in visitors compared to 2019.