The Grand Ducal Police have reported that an incident involving one individual and private security guards occurred in Luxembourg-Gare on Saturday evening.
At around 22:20 on Saturday, police officers received reports of the incident, which, according to various statements, had allegedly led to provocation in front of a restaurant. The officers found a man with a bite wound on his thigh, which was believed to have been caused by a dog owned by a private security firm.
The victim was taken to hospital for outpatient treatment. According to police reports, the individual verbally abused and spat at hospital staff and threatened security staff and was thus put on remand.
The public prosecutor's office has launched an investigation to clarify the exact circumstances surrounding the incident.
The College of Mayors and Aldermen of the City of Luxembourg (Ville de Luxembourg) is holding a press conference on Monday evening concerning the security situation in the Gare district.