Eurosolar energy park; Credit: Eurosolar

Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg asbl has announced the inauguration of the first AgriPV installation in Kehlen on 18 October 2024, an installation undertaken by GPSS S.A.

The installation has a capacity of 1.999 MWp with a total of 3,570 photovoltaic modules on an area of ​​4.58 hectares. No concrete is used in the foundations and the installation is 100% reversible.

Since 2020, Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg has been promoting and providing information about AgriPV, an innovative concept that combines agriculture and solar energy. 

The opening of this facility marks a major step forward towards a more sustainable future through the integration of renewable energy production into the agricultural landscape, i.e. dual land use. 

After the launch of the call for tenders and the selection of projects in 2022/2023, this first project in Kehlen demonstrates the speed and relative simplicity of implementing renewable energy installations.

AgriPV, or photovoltaic agriculture, makes it possible to exploit the same area of ​​land for both food production and solar energy. This model offers farmers an additional source of income and constitutes a contribution to the energy transition, therefore an active contribution against climate change as well as in favour of food security.

Other AgriPV pilot projects will follow in the coming years. 

A winning model for farmers and consumers

In addition to its contribution to the production of clean energy, AgriPV protects crops against extreme weather conditions, such as heatwaves or hailstorms. Horizontal installation of photovoltaic panels can lead to less intensive and therefore better quality agriculture, while allowing farmers to diversify their income through the sale of energy.