(L-R) Claude Meisch, Luxembourg's Minister of Education, Children & Youth; Monique Ludovicy, Director of Restopolis; Martine Hansen, Luxembourg's Minister of Agriculture, Food & Viticulture; Credit: MENJE

Luxembourg's Ministry of Education, Children and Youth has announced new initiatives aimed at promoting "sustainable" and "innovative" catering in schools.

For the 2024/2025 school year, Restopolis, the administration of the Education Ministry responsible for school catering, is continuing its efforts in favour of sustainable and innovative catering in schools with several initiatives.

During a joint press conference, the Minister of Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch, and the Minister of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture, Martine Hansen, discussed the sustainable supply of products in school canteens, a greater share of food products from Luxembourgish agriculture, the reduction of food waste and new investments for healthy nutrition for students.

Generalisation of the "Supply4Future by Restopolis" purchasing platform

Following the reported success of the test phase during the 2023/2024 school year, Restopolis has generalised the "Supply4Future by Restopolis" system to all secondary schools and the University of Luxembourg. This online platform is designed to allow Luxembourg producers to have easier access to school catering. It also encourages them to expand and diversify their offer of local and organic local products.

Since 1 September 2024, all food purchases for Restopolis restaurants and cafeterias are processed via this new digital platform. In accordance with the Public Procurement Act, a digital call for tenders gives each producer the opportunity to sell their products to Restopolis. In awarding the contract, the price plays a secondary role because the weighting is mainly based on organic, regional and sustainable criteria. The ministry described this as "an investment in the health of our children and the diversity of agricultural businesses". Minister Meisch elaborated: "By giving priority to local products and in particular organic products, we are strengthening our Luxembourg agriculture both in the diversification of its products and in the transition to sustainable production. We are promoting the health and conscious consumption of our students and teachers."

Minister Hansen welcomed the new weighting of criteria more focused on short routes and organic production when awarding contracts, as well as the strong potential of the purchasing platform for Luxembourg agricultural producers: "Thanks to this new approach and the widespread use of the Supply4Future platform by Restopolis, new market opportunities are opening up to our conventional and organic producers, which is in line with the objectives of this government. The regionality criterion is crucial. It allows us to promote as much as possible the presence of products from Luxembourg agriculture on students' plates, and this via short routes. This way, our students can appreciate the excellent quality of our Luxembourg products, such as milk, meat, fruit and vegetables, but also special crops."

Expansion of the gluten-free offer

Adapting to the demands of students, Restopolis has expanded its gluten-free offer for the 2024/2025 school year. The menu offers new items such as a gluten-free sandwich (pre-order needed) and gluten-free muesli. In addition, gluten-free dishes are offered in the daily menu, as indicated by a specific pictogram.

AntiGaspi: respecting the value of food together

Since 2016, Restopolis has intensified its fight against food waste through various measures, noted the ministry. In all school restaurants, it is recommended to book meals online and in advance, in order to better plan quantities and avoid waste. Since January 2024, after a pilot phase, the "AntiGaspi 2 go" concept has been generalised in all secondary schools to distribute free of charge to the school community products that have not been sold and can no longer be served the next day.

Less waste, more sustainability

The ministry also stressed that Restopolis is committed to continuously reducing packaging waste. In the context of the "Zero Waste" initiative, Restopolis will develop projects to continue to encourage students to eliminate single-use packaging in canteens and to use reusable products.