Credit: Helen O'Mahony/ had the opportunity on Thursday 3 October 2024 to attend the annual harvesting of the grapes of Luxembourg City's vineyards in the "Klouschtergaart" gardens.

The event was inaugurated by the city's mayor Lydie Polfer and aldermen, including chief alderman Maurice Bauer, among others.

The beautiful terraced gardens of the Klouschtegaart are situated at the foot of the Bock promontory, across the Alzette from Neumünster Abbey. Just follow Rue Plaetis, from the Grund, past the apple trees on the left and the statue of Melusina on the right. The gardens are not typically open to the public but can be admired from here.

In 2004, the City of Luxembourg, in partnership with the "Landesgartenschau" in Trier, rehabilitated these terraced gardens and began to grow vines and medicinal plants here once again. There is a special microclimate here that is conducive to the growth of the vines as well as of native Luxembourg plant species. The Klouschtergaart is dedicated to the conservation of these plant species and with the harvesting of the seeds to ensure their sustainability.

There are many grape varieties (Elbling, Rivaner, Pinot, etc.) cultivated in this vineyard of approximately 4 acres. The traditional method of growing and harvesting each vine by hand is followed. The vines are grown individually using  wooden poles instead of the more usual wire trellis.

Mayor Polfer was present to harvest the first bunch of grapes using secateurs (shears), and this was followed by employees of the City of Luxembourg harvesting the remaining bunches individually also with secateurs. The harvest, which produces approximately 260kg of grapes, will allow for the production of around 200 litres of wine. This Klouschtergaart wine is not intended for sale but is instead served at receptions of the City of Luxembourg or presented as a gift during official visits to the City Hall.