3,000 students are set to visit dairy farmers during this year's Milk Week, held from 13-19 December 2018.

The goal of the Milk Week is to make children aware of the source of their food from an early age and to promote awareness of the benefits of a healthy and balanced diet. During this week, over 70 dairy farms will open their doors to allow 3,000 primary school pupils from 150 different classes to discover the world of dairy production and get an overview of the daily work of dairy farmers in Luxembourg.

The fourth edition of the Milk Week is organised by the Rural Economy Service, the Lëtzebuerger Landjugend & Jongbaueren organisations, Youth Service - Lëtzebuerger Bauerejugend and the Association for the Promotion of Reception and Paedagogical Farms in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg (APFAPL). The initiative has proven successful: since last year, the number of students participating in educational visits has doubled from 1,500 to 3,000 and the number of dairy farms that open their doors to young people has increased from 50 to 70.

This accompanying measure is part of the European fruit, vegetables and milk in schools programme. Last October, 140 students had already discovered the production of apples and pears in Limpach.