On Thursday 21 November 2024, Luxembourg's Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Xavier Bettel, participated in the EU Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) in its "Trade" configuration in Brussels, Belgium.
As reported by Luxembourg's Foreign Ministry, the meeting was an opportunity for the ministers responsible for trade to discuss issues related to the future of the EU's trade policy.
In this context, Minister Bettel reaffirmed his commitment to an "ambitious" trade agenda. He stressed the importance for the EU to conclude new trade partnerships and to develop a tailor-made offer, including by negotiating sectoral agreements in the digital field and on the facilitation of sustainable investments.
Regarding the trade agreement with Mercosur (Southern Common Market), Minister Bettel recalled that the current geopolitical context highlights the strategic importance of strengthening ties with Latin America. He expressed optimism concerning the European Commission's ability to negotiate a revised text, which includes additional commitments to combat climate change and protect the Amazon rainforest. He added that it would be necessary to ensure fair competition conditions and the protection of European consumers.