On Friday 20 September 2024, Luxembourg's Ministry of Home Affairs issued a statement commenting on German border controls.
The ministry noted that Germany has been carrying out controls at its borders with Luxembourg since Monday 16 September 2024. At the end of the first week of these border controls, Luxembourg's Minister for Home Affairs, Léon Gloden, discussed the implementation of the controls and the impact on cross-border traffic with Federal Minister of the Interior and Community, Nancy Faeser, and the Interior Ministers of the neighbouring federal states of Rhineland-Palatinate and Saarland, Michael Ebling and Reinhold Jost, respectively.
According to the Luxembourg ministry, Minister Gloden made a strong plea for the checks to be implemented in a way that avoided unnecessary disruption to cross-border traffic and that the Federal Police should minimise the impact on traffic flow and the everyday lives of people in the border region.
Regarding the A64 Luxembourg-Trier motorway in particular, Minister Gloden consulted with the President of the Koblenz Federal Police Directorate, Gregor Pelzl, and Federal Minister Nancy Faeser. Both reportedly assured Luxembourg that the necessary measures will be taken to minimise disruption to cross-border traffic.
In this context, the Minister for Home Affairs once again emphasised that compliance with the Schengen Agreement is a "top priority" for the Luxembourg government: "The Schengen Agreement with its open internal EU borders must not be called into question. It is the achievement of European integration. Borders must not be created in people's minds again."