
The British Chamber of Commerce in Luxembourg (BCC) has announced the details of two upcoming events which are being organised by the Oxford and Cambridge Societies of Luxembourg, both on Saturday 7 May 2022.

The events are being held as part of the Reunion of Members of the Oxford and Cambridge University Alumni in the Benelux and Rhineland, that is being held from 6-8 May 2022.

(1) A Conference on European Union Institutions based in Luxembourg is being held on Saturday 7 May 2022 from 09:30 - 12:00 at Cercle Cite (2 Rue Genistre, Luxembourg-ville).

Those attending will hear from highly respected and experienced former / current officials about the institutions of the European Union which have their seats in Luxembourg. The conference will be chaired by Catherine Léglu, vice-rector for academic affairs of the University of Luxembourg.

Guest speakers include:
• Ian Forrester, QC, former Judge in the General Court, European Court of Justice: " Tales of the European Courts of Justice – told by the last 
Scottish Judge"
• Goeffrey Simpson, Director of Audit Quality and Audit Methodology, European Court of Auditors: "European Court of Auditors – maybe the most interesting EU 
institution you have never heard of"
• Francis Carpenter, former Secretary General of the EIB and CEO of the EIF: "The European Investment Bank in a Wider World"

Each speaker will talk for 25 minutes, after which there will be time for questions.

(2) An Organ Recital of Baroque Music by Alan Wirth is being held on Saturday 7 May from 18:00 - 19:00 at Église Saint-Michel (Rue Sigefroi, Luxembourg-ville).

- Alamanda by Samuel SCHEIDT (1587-1654)
- Suite du 7e ton by Marin MARAIS (1656-1728) 
- Concerto del Signor Vivaldi, en si mineur byJohann Gottfried WALTHER (1684-1748)
- Voluntary in D by John STANLEY (1712-1786)
- "Wenn wir in höchsten Nöten sein", BWV 641 byJohann Sebastian BACH (1685-1750)

Entry to these events is free-of-charge for members of The British Chamber of Commerce. To attend, please register by email:

Venue: Cercle Cite (2 Rue Genistre, Luxembourg-ville)

Organiser: Oxford and Cambridge University Alumni

Price: n/a

Reservations: see above