
The third edition of the Festival of English-Language School Theatre (FEST) in Luxembourg, organised by FEST asbl, will take place on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 March 2022 at the Mierscher Kulturhaus in Mersch.

With English becoming an increasingly important international language of communication and business, several secondary schools in Luxembourg have in recent years strengthened their standard English classes with English-language theatre options and extra-curricular activities. The first edition of FEST was held in 2018 to celebrate and encourage this development. Its success resulted in a second edition being held in March 2020 and now a third edition this year. 

FEST gives secondary schools across the Grand Duchy the chance to perform short one-act theatre pieces in English to the general public over the course of a weekend.  


Friday 18 March 2022

19:00 - 19:45: The Internet Is So Distract … Oh Look! A Kitten! by Ian McWethy, performed by Lycée Michel-Rodange (LMRL). Teacher: Elizabeth Heiter

20:00 - 20:40: Monsters by Niklas Rådström (translated by Gabriella Berggren), performed by International School of Luxembourg (ISL). Teacher: Jason Hudson

Saturday 19 March 2022

13:30 - 14:10: The Good, The Bad and the Ugly Sister by Siân Lewis, performed by European School Luxembourg II (Mamer). Teacher: Gina Millington

14:30 - 15:10: Treasure Island, Revisited, devised and performed by Lënster Lycée International School (LLIS). Teacher: Sarah Lippert

15:30 - 16:10: The Passport OfficeThe Bus Stop and The Adventures of Climate Man, three short comedies by Lycée Edward Steichen Clervaux (LESC). Teachers: Benjamin Dobbler and Tony Kingston

16:30 - 17:10: A Midsummer Night's Dream by William Shakespeare, performed by Lycée des Arts et Métiers (LAM). Teachers: Jenny Schank and Mike Goergen

19:00 - 19:40: Dark Road by Laura Lundgren Smith, performed by European School Luxembourg I (Kirchberg). Teacher: Tony Kingston

20:00 - 20:40: Don't Look Now, devised, written and performed by St George’s International School Luxembourg. Teacher: Clare Williams

21:00 - 21:40: 11 Ways to Screw Up Your College Interview by Ian McWethy, performed by Lycée Classique de Diekirch (LCD). Teachers: Nathalie Bintner and Tony Kingston 

Tickets cost €8 per performance. 

This will be a CovidCheck event.

The full programme, as well as ticket information, is available on the FEST website:

See also:,2267/f-e-s-t.html.

Venue: Mierscher Kulturhaus (53 Rue Grande-Duchesse Charlotte, L-7520 Mersch)

Organiser: FEST asbl

Price: See above

Reservations: See above

URL: For details, see