WIDE&Co is organising its flagship Women Founders event at the House of Startups (HoST) in Luxembourg-Bonnevoie on Tuesday 26 November 2024, from 18:00.
The organisers describe the event as "the biggest celebration of women entrepreneurs in Luxembourg". This conference aims to "inspire, empower and connect" attendees with "like-minded individuals who are shaping the future of business".
The event is an opportunity to showcase the talent of business women in the Luxembourg market. It is suited to experienced entrepreneurs but also those who are just starting out.
18:00-18:30: Welcome drink
18:30-20:15: Panel discussions
20:15-21:30: Networking Cocktail
Confirmed Speakers
Genna Elvin, Chief Tada Officer and co-founder of Tadaweb, a growth phase technology company with offices in Luxembourg, London, Paris, Ottawa and the US. Genna co-leads the company direction, steering the growth, strategy and company culture. In addition to her role at Tadaweb, Genna is also the President of Pulse (Luxembourg Startups Association) and founding Board Member of the Australia New Zealand Chamber of Commerce Luxembourg (ANZCCL). In 2013, she was recognised in Forbes Magazine Europe's Top 100 Female Founders list.
Leesa Soulodre, founder of Planet43 and Managing General Partner at R3I Capital. Leesa has over 20 years of experience, advising 400+ companies and raising over $270 million. She is an Adjunct Professor at SMU Cox Business School and serves on several advisory boards. Leesa was named one of the Five Most Rising Women Leaders to Watch by CIO Magazine in 2023.
Reyhaneh Niknejad, co-founder and Head of Business Development at Elora. Reyhaneh ventured into entrepreneurship after serving for a decade as a sales director managing multi-million dollar contracts. Elora leverages generative AI to automate Helpdesk solutions.
Amal Tawakuli, co-founder and CTO at Algora. Amal holds a PhD and MSc in Computer Science and has extensive experience in data management, parallel and distributed computing and stream data processing. She has contributed to the fields of internet of things (IoT) and big data with her innovative approaches.
This event is supported by Luxembourg's Ministry for Gender Equality and Diversity and in partnership with HoST and Women In Tech Luxembourg.
Register for free via Eventbrite.
Venue: House of Startups (9 Rue du Laboratoire, L-1911 Luxembourg)
Organiser: WIDE&Co
Price: Free
Reservations: See website
URL: For details, see https://www.eventbrite.com/e/inscription-women-founders-2024-1056452109699?aff=oddtdtcreator