On Saturday 9 November 2024, the City of Luxembourg will host a Repair Café from 10:00 until 15:00 at the Schluechthaus (former abattoir) in Luxembourg-Hollerich.
An aim of the Repair Café is to teach people to rediscover the value of objects they consider are no longer usable. The repairing of items not only saves money, but also encourages a more sustainable society. A reduction in the consumption of materials used during the manufacturing process, leads to a decrease in CO2 formed, thereby reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Volunteer repairers will be available on the day, for items such as: small appliances, clothes, bicycles, toys, crockery, etc. Anything that does not work any more is welcome, and will perhaps have the chance of a second life.
The Repair Café is also a place to meet and exchange ideas with other local residents.
Volunteer repairers are always required. Those with a knowledge of electronics, woodworking, mechanics, sewing, etc., who would like to help, are encouraged to join the Repair Café volunteer team.
For further information on the Repair Café, or to join as a volunteer, see https://www.repaircafe.lu
Venue: Schluechthaus (5 Rue de l'Abattoir, L-1111 Luxembourg)
Organiser: Ville de Luxembourg; CELL; Repair Cafe Lëtzebuerg
Price: n/a
Reservations: n/a
URL: For details, see https://www.repaircafe.lu/event/repair-cafe-sias-contern/