The Frënn vum Kielener Brennereimusée Asbl is organising the second edition of the "Mirabelle Fest" on the site of the Distillery Museum in Kehlen (13 Rue d'Olm) on Sunday 1 September 2024, starting at 11:00.
In addition to many mirabelle plum products, entertainment (music, face painting and other children's activities) will be offered throughout the day. BBQ food will also be available.
To reserve lunch for 12:30 (piglet on a spit, with boiled potatoes, bean salad and mirabelle tart) for €28, tel.: 621-768452 or email: brennerei@hotmail.com.
Venue: Distillery Museum (13 Rue d'Olm, L-8281 Kehlen)
Organiser: Frënn vum Kielener Brennereimusée Asbl
Price: Free entry
Reservations: See above for lunch