
Luxembourg's national railway company, the CFL,,, The Happy Cyclist and the Luxembourg Cycling Sport Federation will organise a day with activities and events for bicycle lovers on Monday 3 June 2024 at the Pfaffenthal-Kirchberg stop, from 08:00 to 15:00.

Beneficial for the fluidity of mobility, for reducing carbon emissions from individual travel and for mental and physical health, cycling has multiple benefits. A means of travel whose practice has increased significantly in recent years, it is now reportedly fully integrated into the CFL concept of multimodal mobility solutions.

After launching their bicycle strategy in 2023 based on several steps (installation of bike boxes for secure parking of bicycles near stations, modernisation of infrastructure, dedicated information and services and more spaces on trains, etc.), the CFL has joined the “World Bicycle Day” on Monday 3 June, and will offer activities and information on cycling and associated leisure activities together with its partners.

The Happy Cyclist is a startup promoting the use of bicycles with a travelling repair and maintenance service for individuals and businesses. During the event, The Happy Cyclist will hold a “repair café” to provide visitors with essential advice for repairing and maintaining their bicycles (changing inner tubes, adjusting speeds, adjusting brakes, maintenance, etc.). Various sessions are planned (duration 45 to 60 minutes, no prior registration necessary). is a local tourist experience provider that will offer guided e-bike tours for one hour (ten participants per session, no prior registration necessary). E-bikes will be made available free of charge on-site. The first round departure will be at 12:00, followed by a second round departure at 12:30 and a third round departure at 13:30.

The Luxembourg Cycling Sports Federation (FSCL) will be present with an animation following the theme of the event: a “juice bike”. By operating the pedals of a bicycle, visitors will be able to make fruit juice, pressed on-site (from 11:00 to 15:00). is the country's largest cycling association supports cyclists by providing useful information on the Luxembourg cycling scene and allowing them to meet people sharing the same mode of travel, both daily and for leisure.

As initiators of the event, the CFL will also be present to inform visitors of their actions in favour of cycling. Visitors will also have the opportunity to register for free to use the 75 bikeboxes (secure bicycle parking lots) located across the country.

Venue: Pfaffenthal-Kirchberg stop, Luxembourg City

Organiser: CFL;;; The Happy Cyclist; Luxembourg Cycling Sport Federation

Price: N/a

Reservations: N/a