
The Comité pour une Paix Juste au Proche-Orient asbl (CPJPO; Committee for Fair Peace in the Middle East) is organising a demonstration demanding a ceasefire in Gaza, at 15:00 on Saturday 16 December 2023 in Place de Clairefontaine in Luxembourg-Ville.

Later that same day, the CPJPO is hosting a solidarity evening ("Trois heures pour Gaza", or three hours for Gaza) at Casino Syndical in Luxembourg-Bonnevoie, from 17:00 to 20:00. On the agenda are testimonies and photographs from Gaza, graffiti and posters and a live video conference from Jenin refugee camp.

The CPJPO noted that "the whole world is witnessing an unprecedented catastrophe unfolding in Gaza", mentioning the tens of thousands of dead, missing or injured people. It is estimated that 60% of homes are destroyed and 80% of the population is displaced.

Faced with this humanitarian situation, the CPJPO has invited members of the public in Luxembourg to come together on Saturday "to say no to barbarity, to express our solidarity with the inhabitants under the bombs in Gaza, to remind our government that every human being has the right to life, security, freedom and dignity."

Venue: Luxembourg City (see above)

Organiser: CPJPO

Price: n/a

Reservations: n/a