
The British Chamber of Commerce for Luxembourg (BCC) is organising a lunch event called "Know your Rights as a Taxpayer" at Hotel Parc Belair on Tuesday 20 June 2023 at 12:00.

Guest speakers Serge Schroeder, First Judge at the Administrative Court of Luxembourg, and Georges Simon,  Founding Partner at Simon Law, will highlight and discuss the main rights and obligations that govern the relationship between the Luxembourg tax administration and taxpayers.

Attendees will be briefed on: recent important tax court decisions; the right to be informed; the right to privacy; rights to non-discrimination and equality of treatment; rights during tax procedures; the principle of honesty; the obligation to cooperate.

Tickets cost €54 for BCC members and €64 for non-members, payable online.

Further details and registration are available here.

Venue: Hotel Parc Belair (111 Avenue du Dix Septembre, L-2551 Luxembourg)

Organiser: British Chamber of Commerce for Luxembourg (BCC)

Price: €54 / €64

Reservations: See website

URL: For details, see