The Blockchain Hackathon 2023 includes a pitching session of Infrachain Challenge 2023 on Friday 16 June 2023 from 15:30 at the GovTech Lab Luxembourg (560 Rue de Neudorf, L-2220 Luxembourg).
A total of four teams will compete in the pitching session: Team Digiblock, Team EY Luxembourg, Team Filedgr and Team WEEL - they will present the solution they have developed during the two-day hackathon.
The fourth edition of the Infrachain Challenge is focused on the Public Sector Blockchain developed by the Ministry for Digitalisation and on “Decentralized tools for the national dwelling register”. Teams will have 30 hours to develop an innovative project and code a working demo. Each team will get 10 minutes to pitch their project in front of a jury and convince them that their solution is the best. A total of €10,500 in cash prizes are at stake.
The event is organised by Infrachain Asbl and sponsored by Luxembourg's Ministry for Digitalisation. The presentations will be followed by a networking drink.
15:30: Registration
16:00: Pitching session
17:00: Jury deliberation
18:00: Winner announcement
18:15: Closing remarks
17:00-19:00 Networking drink
For details, see
Venue: See above
Organiser: Infrachain Asbl
Price: n/a
Reservations: see website