Credit: Pixabay

Celebrated annually on 14 February, Saint Valentine's Day is today one of the most commercialised holidays in the world, with many seizing this opportunity to express their love towards others (and/or themselves) through cards and presents, whilst others refuse to buy in to mainstream celebrations.

It is widely agreed that the holiday originated as a Christian feast day held in honour of a third-century Roman saint called Valentine. Little is known about Saint Valentine, although he is believed to have been martyred on 14 February and his body buried on the Via Flaminia outside Rome. Over time, supposedly beginning in the 14th and 15th centuries, Saint Valentine and his feast day became associated with love and romance. By the 19th century, it had become a widely recognised holiday, with the emergence of the first mass-produced greeting cards (previously, people had sent each other handwritten valentines).

Today, the increasingly commercialised holiday is celebrated in many places around the world, including Luxembourg. The Grand Duchy may not be known as the most romantic city in the world (or even in Europe - Luxembourg City has not (yet) taken the title of "city of love" from nearby Paris) but it does have its own charm and there are quite a few things to see and do here on or around Valentine's Day.

Whilst some events have already passed, such as a Valentine's dinner show at Schapp in the Rives de Clausen and a series of "Love Promenade" guided tours of the capital organised by the Luxembourg City Tourist Office (LCTO) this past weekend, there are still options for those looking to make last-minute Valentine's dinner plans. For example, Come à la Maison in Luxembourg-Hollerich is hosting two separate dinner shows on Tuesday 14 February 2023 at 20:00: a romantic "Amore Mio" dinner show with live music and themed decorations or a similarly romantic evening dedicated to fado (traditional Portuguese music). Similarly. Casino 2000 in Mondorf-les-Bains is offering a special Valentine's Day meal at its restaurant Les Roses on Tuesday evening. Another option is dinner (and an overnight stay) at one of Luxembourg's many castles.

And for those who prefer a romantic date night at home (or just a fun evening with friends), there is always the option of watching a film whilst enjoying a homecooked meal (or takeaway), perhaps accompanied by a glass of local Luxembourg crémant...