Credit: MSAN

Luxembourg's Ministry of Health has reported that a total of 31 cases of monkeypox have been confirmed in the Grand Duchy to date.

As of Tuesday 2 August 2022, a total of 15,926 cases of monkeypox in 38 countries and areas in the European region had been reported to the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the World Health Organization (WHO). This represents an increase of 2,883 cases over one week.

The majority of cases concerned people aged 31 to 40 (6,349 / 15,595; 41%), particularly men (15,439 / 15,572; 99.1%). Of the cases with known HIV status, 36% (2,690 / 7,487) were HIV positive. The majority of cases presented with rash (9,126 / 9,626; 94.8%) and systemic symptoms such as fever, fatigue, muscle aches, vomiting, diarrhoea, chills, a sore throat or headache (6,300 / 9,626; 65%). 399 people with monkeypox were hospitalised (5.6%). Three infected individuals were admitted to an intensive care unit, including one person who was admitted for reasons unrelated to monkeypox. The two other individuals died of monkeypox. 41 people with monkeypox were reported to be healthcare workers, although they had been exposed to the virus outside work.

In Luxembourg, a total of 31 cases of monkeypox had been confirmed up to 3 August 2022 inclusive. This represents an increase of eight cases compared to the previous week (23 cases). So far, all the cases detected concern men with an average age of 38. No one has been hospitalised. According to the Health Ministry, the epidemiological and clinical characteristics of these cases are very similar to the cases reported at the European level.

Luxembourg's Health Directorate has recalled the importance of protecting oneself against the virus and avoiding risky situations in order to limit its spread. Protective measures include the use of protection in case of sexual contact and avoiding sharing bed linen and towels with infected individuals or those who have been in contact with infected individuals. The WHO has also recommended temporarily reducing one's number of sexual partners to limit the risk of exposure.

The Ministry of Health has set up a section dedicated to monkeypox on its website with more information: