Luxembourg mental health association d'Ligue (Ligue Luxembourgeois d'Hygiène Mentale) announced today the creation of a new website offering support to people who feel overwhelmed by the current situation related to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic.

Created in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and various partners in the psychosocial sector, the website complements the official government site ( and lists useful information on mental health in times of health crisis. Citizens and health personnel will find contacts for support services, recommendations for preserving their mental health and answers to frequently asked questions. Nevertheless, all official communications, calls for volunteers, official forms and recommendations will be published on the official government site.

Faced with an unprecedented health crisis, fear and anxiety can become overwhelming, especially in cases of social isolation. The fear of contracting the disease, of seeing loved ones suffer, of losing their job, the uncertainty of the duration of this crisis and the feeling of loneliness and frustration have become omnipresent in today's society. In order to help people feeling overwhelmed, d'Ligue and its partners created the website.

The site, currently in French, will soon also be available in German. In addition, d'Ligue will continuously add content to update information and to better meet the needs of the population.