On Monday 26 June 2023, the Economic Committee met under the chairmanship of the Luxembourg Minister of the Economy, Franz Fayot, to analyse the labour market situation for the month of May 2023 and the national economic situation.

The Economic Committee studied the forecast requests for partial unemployment for the month of July 2023. The number of requests submitted increased by one unit compared to the previous month. A total of 93 companies have submitted a provisional request for partial unemployment in order to benefit from the provisions of this measure for the month of July 2023.

After analysing the files submitted, the Economic Committee approved 85 requests. Of these requests, 62 came from a temporary source, fourteen were linked to a structural source, i.e. a job retention plan, and nine requests were motivated by a link of economic dependence. These requests estimated the number of employees concerned at 9,366 full-time equivalent jobs (up from 8,286 the previous month).

These figures are indicative and relate to the projected number of employees affected, so they do not represent a concrete indicator of the economic situation. This is why the Economic Committee will henceforth also provide information on the number of employees who have actually benefitted from the measure. This assessment can be done three months after the provisional requests made upstream. Once a forecast demand has been favourably advised, companies have two months to introduce a count of the hours actually not worked with ADEM.

Concerning short-time requests for the month of March 2023, advised during the February 2023 Economic Committee meeting, out of the 79 provisional requests advised favourably, 45 companies, in reality, resorted to partial unemployment, of which ten files remain in progress, therefore bringing the number of cases paid to 35. In total, in these 35 counts, 82,813 hours were declared unemployed for 1,840 employees.

The Economic Committee rejected three new plans, including one job retention plan and two recovery plans.

Finally, the Economic Committee also approved one request following a request for tax exemption of voluntary severance pay, concerning twelve people in total.

The next Economic Committee meeting will take place on Tuesday 25 July 2023.