Gilles Zeimet, the new director of CNA from 15 September 2023; Credit: Granduchy

In its meeting of 21 June 2023, the Government Council proposed to His Royal Highness the Grand Duke the appointment of Gilles Zeimet for the post of director of the National Audiovisual Centre (Centre National de l’Audiovisuel - CNA) for a period of seven years renewable, from 15 September 2023.

Gilles Zeimet will succeed Paul Lesch, who has served as director of the CNA since 1 February 2016.

Holder of a master's degree in history and art history from the University of Aberdeen in Scotland, after periods at the Casino Luxembourg – Forum d'art contemporain and at the Information and Press Service (SIP), Gilles Zeimet joined the national museum of archaeology, history and art (Musée National d'Archéologie, d'Histoire et d'Art - MNAHA), in September 2009 as assistant curator of the fine arts section. Since April 2018, he has led the digitisation, archives and library department at MNAHA. During the five years at the head of this service, he notably worked on the creation of the MNAHA collections platform launched in 2018. Moreover, in 2022 he published, in collaboration with the director of the MNAHA Michel Polfer, the catalog raisonné of the photograph collection by the artist of Luxembourg origins, published under the title Edward Steichen. The Luxembourg Bequest (Silvana Editoriale, 464 pages).

The CNA was created in 1989 as a state cultural institute, placed under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture. The institute aims to preserve and enhance the audiovisual heritage of Luxembourg and to make the culture of sound, still image and animated image accessible to all through exhibitions, publications, screenings, conferences or other events that target a large audience. It also contributes to the visual documentation of social, environmental and urban changes in Luxembourg.

The Luxembourg Minister for Culture, Sam Tanson, thanked Paul Lesch for his commitment to the service of the CNA and wished Gilles Zeimet much success in his new duties.