Credit: Ministry of Public Service

On Wednesday 20 April 2022, Luxembourg's Ministry of Public Service announced the publication of its first edition on the key figures of executive functions and heads of corps in the State Civil Service.

The publication is part of the series on key employment figures in the State Civil Service which was initiated, in 2019, by the Observatory of the civil service.

With a view to transparency, the objective of this new publication is to break down for the first time the number of executive positions and heads of corps, by gender, in the various areas of the Central Administration for the years 2019, 2020 and 2021. The leading functions have in common to assume the same function in the hierarchy of the organisational chart of their organisation, although they may have different titles (first councilors of government, commissioners, director, deputy director, inspector general, etc.).

It was recalled that as of 31 December 2021, 53 management positions were assigned to ministerial departments, of which 75.5% were men and 24.5% women. At the same date, 146 leading positions were held in State administrations. In this group, men represented 72.7% and women 27.3%. In the diplomatic corps, these same positions are held 71.9% by men and 28.1% by women, while this corps includes a total of 32 leading positions.

In the education sector, a distinction is made between basic education and secondary education. As of 31 December 2021, basic education employs a total of 64 directors and deputy directors and secondary education 102 directors and deputy directors. In basic education, the rate of men and women for the functions in question is equal, at 50% each. In secondary education, men represented 69.6% of these functions and women 30.4%.

With regard to the twelve leading positions in the public force, as of 31 December 2021, 91.7% of these are held by men and 8.3% by women. In the judiciary, women represented 38.4% of body heads and men 61.6%. The total number of corps commanders is thirteen.

With regard to the distribution of men and women, the rate of women in leading positions is the highest in basic education (50%) and the magistrature (38.4%), while it is the lowest in the public force (8.3%) and ministerial departments (24.5%).

The publication will be updated annually.

The publication is available online at the Civil Service portal via:

The key figures for employment in the Civil Service for 2019 and 2020 are also accessible on the Civil Service portal.