L-R: Carlo Thelen, CEO of Chamber of Commerce; Muriel Morbé, Director of Training; Marc Wagener, COO and Director of Entrepreneurship; Credit: Chambre de Commerce

The Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce has announced that Muriel Morbé is joining its Executive Committee as Director of Training.

On 1 March 2022, Muriel Morbé, the current Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the House of Training, will take over as Director of Training within the Chamber of Commerce Group, replacing Marc Wagener who has carried out this role since 13 July 2020. In this position, she will coordinate all activities related to the institution's initial, continuing and higher education and training. 

Muriel Morbé started her career in March 2009 as a training advisor in the Training Department of the Chamber of Commerce. She joined the management team of the House of Training upon its creation in 2015. On 15 July 2020, she became CEO of this training body, which was created by the Chamber of Commerce and the Luxembourg Banker’s Association (Association des Banques et Banquiers Luxembourg - ABBL). Ms Morbé will continue in her role as CEO of the House of Training. 

Also on 1 March 2022, Marc Wagener, the Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the Chamber of Commerce, will step down as Director of Training to take over the position of Director of Entrepreneurship, which has been vacant since the recent departure of Tom Baumert to head the Luxembourg Trade Confederation (Confédération luxembourgeoise du commerce - clc). In this role, he will support efforts to promote entrepreneurship and oversee small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) policy related issues.

Similarly, the development of services designed to support the creation, development and transfer of SMEs is an integral part of the missions of the House of Entrepreneurship, which Marc Wagener will lead. The mission of this national point of contact dedicated to entrepreneurship is to inform, guide, support and create a network for all stakeholders involved in the value chain of business life in Luxembourg. In his new role, Mr Wagener will also be involved in the strategic management of the affiliated House of Startups and Luxembourg-City Incubator, which federate the community of young innovative companies in Luxembourg, supporting the development of the startup ecosystem and acting as a laboratory for the economy of tomorrow.

Marc Wagener joined the Chamber of Commerce in June 2009 as an economic advisor. He became Director of Economic Affairs in February 2014 before being appointed COO of the Chamber of Commerce Group in July 2019 and Director of Training in July 2020. In addition to his commitments at the Chamber of Commerce, Mr Wagener also chairs the National Council of Public Finance (Conseil national des finances publiques - CNFP).

Carlo Thelen, CEO of the Chamber of Commerce, welcomed this double nomination: "I am delighted that Muriel Morbé and Marc Wagener have accepted new responsibilities within the Chamber of Commerce Group. Their expertise, commitment and dynamism will help us to extend our existing range of services and to perfect our mission as a resource and source of inspiration, especially in the vast fields of training and entrepreneurship".