The Luxembourg European Association of Performing Arts (LEAPA) will be holding its annual summer potluck barbecue on Saturday 27 June 2020 at 18:00 in Luxembourg-Kirchberg (registrants will be provided the exact address).
As this outdoor event will be held at a private residence, it is limited to LEAPA members (including new members) only. Wine and water will be provided, although participants should bring their own food.
To register for the barbecue, send an email to info@leapa.eu by 25 June 2020. For more information, see https://www.leapa.eu/page/events---whats-on/2020-summer-bbq---its-on.php.
The barbecue marks the association's first gathering after months of confinement. Indeed, the LEAPA is now looking into rescheduling its postponed AGM & Chinese Whispers evening and Karaoke Night. The association is also set to confirm its Annual Quiz Night in October. Further details to follow.