Credit: Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte

The Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte has launched a call for projects aiming to preserve and improve biodiversity in both urban and rural areas.

In response to the need to protect and enhance biodiversity in Luxembourg, the Œuvre has introduced a new call for projects, named "reNature – restoring biodiversity."

Numerous studies have shown that the world has witnessed a decline in biodiversity due to various human activities, including climate change, pollution, deforestation, fragmentation of natural environments and the introduction of invasive species. The adverse effects of these activities have emphasised the need for measures to address the crisis.

The Œuvre has allocated a fund of €500,000 to back initiatives aimed at safeguarding and enhancing Luxembourg's natural diversity.

The "reNature – restoring biodiversity" call for projects is designed to inspire a wide range of concrete and constructive actions. To ensure inclusivity, project funding is available in amounts ranging from a minimum of €500 to a maximum of €25,000 per project.

This call for projects accepts submissions from various entities, including:

  • Asbl (non-profit associations), including newly established associations created in response to this initiative;
  • foundations;
  • public establishments;
  • companies holding SIS status (Societal Impact Company) with 100% impact shares;
  • educational institutions, including secondary schools, universities, primary schools and other educational organisations.

Projects submitted for consideration must align with one of the following six thematic fields:

  • agriculture;
  • animal species;
  • water bodies, including rivers and lakes;
  • insects and pollinators;
  • plant species;
  • sensibilisation and educational initiatives.

The Œuvre’s call for projects presents an opportunity for associations, organisations and institutions to actively contribute to the restoration and protection of Luxembourg's precious natural heritage.

Applications can be submitted until 10 January 2024.