Credit: Caritas Luxembourg

Caritas Luxembourg has announced that the 2020 edition of the Sodexo "lunch pass" initiative raised over €47,000 for families in need.

Since July 2009, Sodexo and Caritas Luxembourg have joined forces to help families in need in the Grand Duchy. The 2020 edition, due in particular to the health crisis and the teleworking of many employees, saw the collection of a record €47,964.46 through "Lunch Passes".

On Monday 27 September 2021, Sylvie Favaut, Director of Sodexo Benefits and Rewards Luxembourg, handed over a cheque for the collected sum to Marc Crochet, Director General of Caritas Luxembourg. Mr Crochet thanked Sodexo and all those who donated one or more of their lunch passes so that families in need could feed themselves in a balanced way through the Caritas Buttek social grocery stores. The amount collected corresponds to 2,400 shopping baskets.

The 2021 action is already underway. At the beginning of July, employees of Sodexo client companies found a flyer in their meal voucher envelopes explaining the initiative as well as a postage-paid envelope addressed to Caritas Luxembourg, allowing them to donate their lunch passes.