The fitness bootcamp CrossFit Roude Léiw has decided to embark on a 24-hour rowing challenge this Saturday for the benefit of the Fondation Autisme Luxembourg (FAL).
The challenge will kick off at 10:00 on Saturday 25 September 2021, in Salle CrossFit Roude Léiw in Mondercange (151 Rue d'Esch, L-3922). The goal is to cover as many kilometres as possible to support the foundation, the mission of which is to defend and promote the rights of people with autism in Luxembourg.
From 14:00, the room will be open for CrossFit sessions suitable for people with or without an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) of all ages.
A second rowing machine is also in the room to accumulate kilometres. Everyone is free, even at night, to come and row.
This event is taking place according to the CovidCheck system, with certificate checks being carried out at the entrance. Registration is obligatory via email: autisme@fal.lu.