POST Luxembourg and Caritas Luxembourg are the latest organisations to announce their decision to support individuals affected by the tornado that hit the south of the country last Friday.
For its part, the postal and telecommunications company, POST Luxembourg, will support customers of its services who normally reside in houses or buildings damaged by the tornado. In this context, POST will pay for the fixed subscription (landline, internet and television) for the month of August for all those concerned. This action will be extended for clients who are unable to return to their homes for several months.
In addition, POST and its technical teams are working to repair fallen telecommunication cables as quickly as possible in the aftermath the storm. Impacted customers will be migrated free of charge to the fiber optic network. Those concerned can contact the POST call centre 24/7 for free via tel.: 8002-8004 or send an email with their contact details to with the subject "Touché par la tornade" ("affected by the tornado"), indicating the address and the number of the concerned landline.
Similarly, the Caritas Luxembourg foundation has been working in collaboration with the various municipalities and parishes, as well as with its volunteers and partners, in the context of relief services following the tornado. On the one hand, financial assistance is available to victims who are not fully (or not at all) compensated by insurance companies or public organisations. To support these people, Caritas Luxembourg has launched a solidarity appeal to all residents to financially help the families affected. Those wishing to support the victims can make a donation to the Caritas Luxembourg National Emergency Fund to the CCPL account IBAN LU34 1111 0000 2020 0000 (message: "Help for victims of the tornado of 9 August"/"Aide aux victimes de la tornade du 9 août") or online at
On the other hand, technical assistance is available to municipalities, parishes and victims who want it. This assistance can take the form, for example, of support for compiling documents and completing applications for people who do not speak the country's languages, longer-term counselling and guidance services or support for the elderly. The different forms that Caritas Luxembourg's intervention will take are currently being discussed with the municipalities and parishes. The aim is to be as close as possible to the needs of the victims and support them in addition to complementing the support provided by other stakeholders.