Luxembourg's Department of Spatial Planning has announced the launch of a pilot project related to the reconversion of the Foetz commercial zone into a multifunctional district.

Launched by the department in June 2022, the "Luxembourg in Transition" urban-architectural and landscape consultation made it possible to bring together strategic development proposals of the territory and to produce ecological transition scenarios by 2050 for the Grand Duchy and its border territories.

In line with the concepts proposed by the multidisciplinary team led by the University of Luxembourg, the Department of Spatial Planning, the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works and the Ministry of the Economy have evaluated the possibilities of putting the ideas developed into practice. This evaluation has triggered the launch of a pilot project relating to the reconversion of the Foetz commercial zone, consisting of a preliminary study aimed at identifying urban planning, technical, legal and economic obstacles and defining a programme to later develop a "master plan".

The study aims to provide a standard example of how to reconvert a zone with monofunctional economic and commercial activities, such as Foetz, into a district with quality multifunctional use and a more rational use of available surfaces (e.g. the integration of housing, services and equipment, recreational spaces, green spaces, etc.) as defined in the Master Programme for Spatial Planning (PDAT). This will also take into account the reflections of the actors currently established in the targeted area and the economic consequences of the targeted reconversion.

"I am delighted with the launch of this essential phase which will bring to fruition an unprecedented project in Luxembourg. Initiated with an innovative approach to territorial and urban planning, this project is attracting attention well beyond our borders. It will be featured at the exhibition 'The Great Repair' in Berlin, from October to January, at the Akademie der Künste," said Claude Turmes, Luxembourg's Minister for Spatial Planning.

Coordinated by the Department of Spatial Planning, the Ministry of Mobility and Public Works and the Ministry of the Economy, this study is assisted and led by a working group also composed of representatives of the municipal administrations of Mondercange and Schifflange as well as the Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development, the Ministry of Housing and the General Directorate for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises.

The first work exchanges will be held in autumn 2023.