On Monday 12 September 2022, Luxembourg's Ministry of Family Affairs, Integration and the Greater Region and the Ministry of Health announced that the health reserve created in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic is now expanded to staff working in the senior domain (home helps, social and family assistants and senior assistants, as well as all related professions) and to any person, whether student, working or retired, and to any type of profession.
During the COVID-19 pandemic it became clear that the need for volunteers was not limited to the health and care sector. The senior domain was also heavily affected by the sanitary measures, resulting in partial isolation of the occupants and an increased workload for the staff in the dedicated structures.
In order to reduce the administrative and organisational burden and to allow health care staff to focus on their core service areas, the support staff but also all other professions are invited to join the health reserve.
Any person, whether a student, a working person or a retired person, will as of now be able to register for the health reserve via the websites www.govjobs.lu or www.guichet.lu - without the need for authentication by LuxTrust product.
The registration is not associated with any obligation and volunteers are decided on a case-by-case basis and according to their availability whether to accept the proposed mission, which may lead to a contract or an agreement.
Health and care professionals are always invited to join, unless they have already done so during the first wave, in which case a new registration is not necessary.