Credit: CGDIS

On Thursday 5 May 2022, His Royal Highness the Grand Duke officially commissioned the National Fire and Rescue Centre (Centre Nationald’Incendie et de Secours - CNIS) in the presence of Luxembourg's Minister of the Interior, Taina Bofferding, President of the Council of Directors of the CGDIS, Lydie Polfer, Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors, Alain Becker, and Director General of the CGDIS, Paul Schroeder.

As part of a ceremony punctuated by the projection of several short films highlighting the different facets of the staff, the 400 guests present witnessed the presentation of the CGDIS corps flag and its official presentation to the Director General by His Royal Highness the Grand Duke. The official act of commissioning by S.A.R. consisted of the unveiling of a commemorative plaque.

To conclude, the guests were able to discover the backstage of the CNIS during guided tours offered on the sidelines of a reception.

The National Fire and Rescue Centre brings together several CGDIS departments and services on a single site, including the National Rescue Training Institute, CSU-112 and the Luxembourg Fire and Rescue Centre. It therefore symbolises the reform of the emergency services of 2018 which led to the creation of the Grand-Ducal Emergency Corps which brings together all the national actors of the emergency services.