File Photo: WWII mortar unearthed in Wincrange in 2017; Credit: EMA

On Monday 28 February 2022, the Grand Ducal Police and the national railway company, the CFL, announced an aircraft bomb was discovered just before noon during expansion work on the Luxembourg central station (Gare) premises, in the immediate vicinity of the Büchler Bridge.

The site has been secured and a security perimeter was immediately established. The circulation of trains in central station  is currently interrupted.

Luxembour army's Service de Déminage (SEDAL) has been notified and is on site.

The area around the site is being evacuated to be on the safe side, accoding to the Police.

The Police adviced general public to avoid the central station area and follow the instructions of the emergency services on site, until further notice.

A traffic plan is being developed and currently, no data as to the duration of the disruption is available.