Luxembourg's Ministry of Health has upgraded yesterday's Orange Alert to a Red Alert for the south of the country following MeteoLux's meteorological information and forecast of temperatures to be above 35C for the next few days, with an average temperature above 23C maintained. As a result, the Director of Health has ordered the triggering of level 3, the Red Alert, as part of the 2020 action plan in the event of extreme heat (heatwave plan).
According to Meteolux, tomorrow (Sunday) will see a top temperature of 36C in Luxembourg, with temperatures reaching 35C today (Saturday), Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, before Thursday is expected to be slightly cooler at 30C.
High temperatures can cause health problems for certain categories of people, including the elderly, infants and people with chronic illnesses, such as heart disease and kidney disease.
The heatwave plan offers people aged 75 or over, living alone with limited autonomy, little support and without help from long-term care insurance, to register on a list to benefit from monitoring visits and hydration assistance in the event of high heat.
The triggering of the Red Alert involves the implementation of the programme of visits to people as selected on these lists which have been pre-established by the Luxembourg Red Cross. The visits, operated by COPAS (with the help and home care networks), take effect from 8 August.
The precautions that prevail during the pandemic, and which are implemented by the help and care networks during any visit to homes, still apply.
Health recommendations in the event of a heatwave and good advice, as well as the new leaflet "Watch out for heat waves - Take care of your health!"", Can be found on the Health Portal (www.sante.lu).