Credit: © SIP / Jean-Christophe Verhaegen, all rights reserved

On Wednesday 10 June 2020, the Luxembourg government met with social partners at Senningen Castle to take stock of the impact of the COVID-19 crisis on to take stock of the labour market and budgetary situation, as well as aid for businesses and social security.

Representing the government on this occasion were Prime Minister Xavier Bettel and Deputy Prime Ministers Dan Kersch and François Bausch, along with ministers Pierre Gramegna, Romain Schneider, Corinne Cahen, Lex Delles and Franz Fayot; representatives of the trade unions OGBL, LCGB, CGFP and UEL were present on the social partners side.

On 14 May 2020, at the start of the second phase of Luxembourg's gradual deconfinement strategy, the government and social partners met for the first time to take stock of the economic and societal impact of the COVID-19 crisis. This first exchange was an opportunity to draw up a preliminary assessment of measures taken in support of the economy at that time, as well as to collect suggestions for urgent measures to put in place in favour of the most affected economic sectors.

Today's meeting was mainly used to take stock of the situation related to the labour market, the budget, financial aid to enterprises and social security. The government described this second meeting as "constructive". 

Prime Minister Xavier Bettel noted afterwards: “We listened to the feedback from our social partners, especially on the most recent measures provided for in the 'Neistart Lëtzebuerg' recovery plan. After all, we all have the same goal and are working towards the same goal: to do our best to support our economy, also on a social level". He then added: "It is together that we will get out of this crisis and that is why it is and remains important for the government to exchange regularly with the social partners and to continue hearing their concerns and worries".

Regarding the organisation of a possible tripartite, the government and the social partners recalled that this is a fundamental mechanism of the economic and social model of Luxembourg. The possibility of organising a future exchange in the format of such a tripartite meeting, still on the subject of the medium- and long-term consequences of the current crisis, was therefore raised. This item is also on the agenda for discussions by the government cabient which is meeting that same day. Details on the subjects and on the working method will be worked out, if necessary, in the coming days.

According to other local news sources, the tripartite is confirmed for July.