As of 1 January 2018, the number of Luxembourgish nationals living in the Grand Duchy stood at 313,771, representing 52.1% of the total population.
The percentage of Luxembourg nationals varies from municipality to municipality, with 29.2% in Luxembourg city and 79.6% in Wahl.
The effect of the law on Luxembourg nationality is not receding; far from it - the number of voluntary acquisitions has increased from 4,022 in 2009 to 9,030 in 2017.
However, the percentage of Luxembourg nationals is decreasing over time. At the beginning of the 20th century, it stood at about 88%, while it was more or less 63% at the beginning of this century. As of 1 January 2018, Luxembourgers represent 52.1% of the total population.
The average age of the population is 39.4 years. However, Luxembourg residents are significantly older than foreigners (41.6 years versus 37.0 years). The percentage of Luxembourgers is greater among 0-3 years (51.4%), 13-26 years (58.3%) and 54 years and more (64.9%). After the age of 65, the share of Luxembourgers is becoming larger: 71.6% of people aged 65 and over are Luxembourgers and even 81.6% from 90 years old. For other ages, the foreign population exceeds the Luxembourg population.
As the capital is the main centre for foreigners (70.8%), it is mainly the municipalities of Strassen (62.3%), Bertrange (55.1%), Hesperange (54.6%) and Walferdange (53.4%)where the percentage of foreigners is among the highest. In the former mining basin, the municipalities of Esch-sur-Alzette (57.9%) and Differdange (55.9%) are at the top of this ranking. Some of the municipalities along the German border are also characterised by higher proportions of foreigners than neighbouring municipalities. Overall, municipalities in the northern part of the country have larger shares of Luxemburgers than in the South.
Municipalities encompassing medium-sized cities (Wiltz, Vianden, Ettelbruck and Echternach) have comparatively low proportions of Luxembourgers. This is also the case for the municipalities of the Alzette Valley, located between the City of Luxembourg and the municipalities forming the Nordstad, as well as some municipalities in the north-east and the northern tip of the country.
Since the entry into force of the provisions on dual nationality in 2009, a total of 47,296 persons have voluntarily acquired Luxembourg nationality. Among these (since 2009), 31,626 (66.9%) were requested by persons residing in Luxembourg.
The Portuguese are the most likely to have voluntarily acquired Luxembourg nationality. From 2009 to 2017, 10,611 people (22.4% of total voluntary acquisitions) had Portuguese nationality. Then come the Belgians who are 10,160 who applied for and obtained Luxembourgish nationality during this period (i.e. 21.5%). With 8,829 people and 18.7%, the French are in third place. Looking at the residents alone, it is still the Portuguese who acquire the most Luxembourg nationality, followed by Italians and French.
Regarding Brexit, just 905 people of British nationality have acquired Luxembourgish nationality during this period.
A total of 27,454 people holding Luxembourgish nationality also hold another nationality.
In 2017, 32,521 Luxembourgers were living in the European Union (with the exception of Spain, Cyprus and Malta where data are not available). More than half of these Luxembourgers (53.7% or 17,452 people) live in Germany. France (7,705) and Belgium (4,364) are next. Some of these Luxembourg expatriates are cross-border workers working in Luxembourg.