Credit: ALVA

On Wednesday 4 September 2024, the Luxembourg Veterinary and Food Administration (ALVA) of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture provided an update on the spread of bluetongue (BTV serotype 3) in Luxembourg.

Since 1 August 2024, a total of 658 animals (514 cattle, 136 sheep and eight goats) have tested positive for bluetongue in the State Veterinary Laboratory (LMVE). Bluetongue has been detected in a total of 313 farms through laboratory tests (also since 1 August).

Between 28 August and 4 September 2024, 166 animals tested positive for bluetongue and the viral disease was detected in 67 other farms through laboratory tests.

Compared to August 2023, ALVA found an increased mortality rate in cattle in August 2024, but mainly in sheep and goats.

Since the start of the vaccination campaign on 9 August 2024, 240,000 doses of vaccine have been delivered and 70,000 doses distributed to veterinarians.

ALVA recalled that livestock owners who notice an increased mortality rate in their herd should report this via the form available on the website of the Agriculture Ministry.