Luxembourg’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Viticulture has just published on the public procurement portal a call for tenders as part of the "Schouluebstprogramm" (school fruit programme) for the 2024/2025 school year.

Through the "Schouluebstprogramm 2024-2025", Luxembourg is implementing the European school fruit and vegetable programme for the sixteenth time. The programme aims to increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables among pupils and to raise awareness among young people about the tastes of agricultural products. This popular programme benefits 98% of primary and secondary school students.

This year, the submission was divided into seven lots, with a call for tenders provided for five lots open to local agricultural producers. Small producers can join forces to submit a bid. The other two lots are intended for distributors to supply the remaining fruits and vegetables needed for the programme and to ensure the logistics to transport all the products to the 402 school sites.

Among the fruits and vegetables produced in Luxembourg, apples, pears and carrots are best suited for distribution to students during the school year, the ministry noted. As the national supply of local apples and pears is large, the quantity of local products will increase by 13% to reach more than 150 tonnes. This represents 36.6% of all fruits and vegetables distributed.

The producers of these local fruits and vegetables also undertake to welcome school classes to their farm to raise their awareness of local and healthy eating.

Locally produced carrots must come from organic production, which is sufficiently developed to be able to provide the necessary quantity and quality. The ministry thus intends to support local organic farming. To be consistent with the government's social and development aid objectives, all bananas must be organic and from fair trade. As for the remaining fruits and vegetables that distributors supply, at least 10% must be organic. Ultimately, at least 30% of the products distributed will therefore come from organic production.

The Administration of Technical Services for Agriculture (ASTA) centralises the organisation of the “Schouluebstprogramm”. The distributors are responsible for delivering all the fruit and vegetables to all primary and secondary schools. This management has the advantage of sparing schools from the majority of administrative procedures. The use of a limited number of suppliers (seven lots) makes it possible to limit the administrative effort for the management and mandatory controls in this European program.

The "Schouluebstprogramm" is co-financed by the European Union and the Luxembourg State and its execution is subject to European rules on public procurement. To benefit from European aid, Luxembourg must respect the reasonable nature of the expenses, so that the "price" factor counts for 50% of the criteria for awarding lots.

Key figures for the "Schouluebstprogramm"

  • The programme benefits 98% of primary and secondary school students;
  • 402 school sites (331 primary schools and 71 secondary schools) are delivered on a weekly basis;
  • more than 400 tonnes of quality fruit and vegetables, including 150 tonnes of local origin, are distributed annually using efficient logistics appreciated by establishments and producers;
  • 36.6% of the fruit and vegetables distributed come from our local producers;
  • 30.5% of the fruit and vegetables distributed are organic, with in particular:100% organic local carrots and 100% organic and Fairtrade bananas.

Furthermore, in 2023/2024, a total of 378 primary school pupils took part in visits to local fruit and market gardeners.

The tender is open until 20 September 2024.