L-R: Gil Kirchen, EBL; Carole Dieschbourg, Minister of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development,; Credit: MECDD

In light of declining numbers of bees and other pollinators, Luxembourg is launching a national action plan for the preservation of pollinating insects.

Luxembourg's Ministry of the Environment, Climate and Sustainable Development and the Emweltberodung Lëtzebuerg Asbl (EBL) announced this news at a press conference on Wednesday. The specific action plan is aimed at strengthening the protection measures pollinating insects on Luxembourg territory, in the alarming context of the documented decline in abundance and diversity in Europe and worldwide.

The loss of pollinators is a devastating phenomenon both for food security and for the maintenance of natural ecosystems and needs to be curbed through appropriate and varied measures.

Due to the multiple and complex causes behind the massive decline in insects, the Ministry has emphasised the need for public participation and interdisciplinary dialogue in order for this action plan to be successful.