Luc Frieden, Prime Minister of Luxembourg; Credit: © SIP / Claude Piscitelli

The Government Council (Luxembourg's cabinet) met on Wednesday 3 July 2024, under the chairmanship of Prime Minister Luc Frieden.

As reported by Luxembourg's Ministry of State, the cabinet had an exchange of views on international, European and Luxembourg news on this occasion.

Among the subjects discussed was the planned participation of the Luxembourg Army in the European Union military assistance missions (EUMAM) in Mozambique and in Ukraine.

The government ministers signalled their agreement with the draft grand-ducal regulation relating to participation in EUMAM Mozambique from 1 September 2024 until 30 June 2026. They also approved the draft grand-ducal regulation amending the grand-ducal regulation of 7 December 2022 relating to the participation of the Luxembourg Army in EUMAM Ukraine, which extends this participation beyond 1 December 2024 for a maximum of 24 additional months.

Moreover, the cabinet approved amended draft grand-ducal regulations related to: subsidising a building for "Rentabike Mëllerdall" and the redevelopment of the main entrance to the Weiswampach lake; state-owned properties linked to the railway infrastructure; the nomenclature of acts and services of doctors covered by health insurance.

Ministers also adopted a draft grand-ducal regulation setting the wastewater discharge tax for 2024 at €0.10/m3 (unchanged from 2023).

Separately, they adopted a bill amending amended laws linked to the public maritime register and simplifying administrative procedures relating to the registration of ships and related real rights.