(L-R) Dorin Recean, Prime Minister of Moldova; Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg; Credit: © Maison du Grand-Duc

Luxembourg hosted the EU General Affairs Council on Tuesday 25 June 2024; among those present was Luxembourg's Deputy Prime Minister, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Foreign Trade, Xavier Bettel.

As reported by Luxembourg's Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, Defence, Development Cooperation and Foreign Trade, the meeting allowed ministers to address three major subjects, namely the proposed directive on transparency of interest representation on behalf of third countries, the preparation of the European Council set for 27 and 28 June 2024 and the rule of law situation in Hungary (Article 7 procedure).

Regarding this last point, Minister Bettel intervened, on behalf of the Benelux, to reiterate that respect for the rule of law and fundamental values ​​is essential to the proper functioning of the European Union. In this context, the Benelux is in favour of keeping this item on the agenda until all outstanding issues are resolved.

On the sidelines of the General Affairs Council, Minister Bettel had a bilateral meeting with Anna Lührmann, Germany's Minister of State for Europe and Climate (pictured below).

Minister Bettel also received a Moldovan delegation, led by Prime Minister Dorin Recean, the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mihail Popșoi, and the Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration, Cristina Gherasimov, for a work meeting at the Mansfeld building (headquarters of Luxembourg's foreign ministry). In addition to an exchange of views on the regional security situation and the European integration of Moldova, the meeting helped strengthen bilateral relations through the signing of an amendment amending the tax treaty between Luxembourg and Moldova.

The visit of Prime Minister Dorin Recean was also an opportunity for a meeting with his Luxembourgish counterpart, Prime Minister Luc Frieden, and an audience with Grand Duke Henri of Luxembourg.

Opening of accession negotiations with Moldova and Ukraine

Following the decision taken by the European Council last December to open accession negotiations with Moldova and Ukraine, the first intergovernmental conferences between the EU and Moldova and the EU and Ukraine, respectively, were held at the end of the General Affairs Council on Tuesday.

Minister Bettel welcomed these first intergovernmental conferences, describing them as historic moments: "This is a crucial step for Moldova and Ukraine which are now embarking on an important transformational process. Luxembourg remains available to support our Moldovan and Ukrainian partners in their reform processes. The fact that this historic moment is taking place in Luxembourg gives us particular pleasure."

(Photo credit: © MAE Luxembourg)