Adrienne Haan will be performing her new show "Berlin, Mon Amour" at the Triad Theatre in New York City on 22 and 29 May and on 5 June 2019.

The German-Luxembourgish artist will present her brand new show on Wednesday 22 May at 19:00, followed by follow-up performances on Wednesday 29 May at 19:00 and 5 June at 20:30. The soirée celebrates the 100th Centennial of the Weimar Republic. 

This show includes German Cabaret Songs of the 1920s and early 30s, songs that were considered "degenerate" by the rising Nazi Regime in 1933 and therefore banned, due to Jewish authorship. It features songs that Haan has never sung before as well as newly arranged and interpreted songs of former shows in a brand new setting, telling the story of the rise and fall of what was Germany's first democracy.

This theatrical musical voyage is a "tour de force" about the struggle of feminism, the longing for freedom, trans-gender discovery, sexual liberation and the demolishing of the chains of the old traditions.

Flying in for this show will be French singer/dancer/producer Magali Dahan, a Luxembourger who has spent most of her life in Paris. Magali Dahan has produced big Moulin Rouge type shows in Paris and so she will bring a touch of the exotic and erotic to Adrienne Haan's new Weimar Berlin Cabaret as France meets Germany.

Tickets are available at: