Luxembourg's Minister of National Education, Children and Youth, Claude Meisch, and the members of the Executive Committee of the National Student Conference of Luxembourg (CNEL) recently reviewed the results of the five regional information meetings held to address the adaptation of the examination of the end of the lycées classiques, organised for the students of the 2nd classes.

The results are largely positive, as the meetings served not only to inform students of the new modalities of the examination, but also allowed the minister to listen to the students and answer their questions.

With the reformed examinations, greater importance will be given to the annual grades awarded in the various branches. For this reason, the Minister will initially instruct high school directors/principals to pay more attention to the grades obtained by pupils in their class assignments during the school year, on a regular basis. Under existing regulations, the Director/Pricipal may request "explanations from the student when he considers that the marks are exceptionally high or particularly low".

As a second step, Ministry officials, in collaboration with the National Commissions of Programmes, will develop more comprehensive scoring grids that will allow students to more easily understand the grades assigned to them.

Photo by MENEJ