On the occasion of 4 March 2024, marking World Obesity Day, Luxembourg’s Ministry of Health and Social Security highlighted various initiatives and concrete actions carried out by the various local players engaged in the fight against obesity, while reminding people requiring assistance that they are not alone.

Obesity is a multifactorial and complex chronic disease, which can result from various factors such as genetic predispositions, underlying physical and mental conditions, the use of certain medications, as well as environmental and social influences. However, it is mainly caused by an energy imbalance resulting from poor eating habits, lack of physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle.

Obesity is, in most cases, a precursor of other chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and certain types of cancer, the leading causes of mortality in Luxembourg. The result is always a combination of different factors that add up over the years of one's life, the ministry stressed.

The inter-ministerial programme “Gesond iessen, Méi beweegen” (healthy eating, exercising more) aims to promote a balanced diet and regular physical activity while combating obesity and a sedentary lifestyle in the entire population.

Screening and treatment

In the case of overweight individuals, weight reduction is easier than in the case of obesity. Regular weight monitoring by a primary health care practitioner is essential, the ministry added. Following this screening, the attending physician, occupational physician, school health physician or any other healthcare professional can direct patients to appropriate treatment.

Due to its multifactorial nature, managing obesity requires a multidisciplinary approach, including medicine, dietetics, physical activity and psychosocial support.

Overweight and obesity in Luxembourg

According to the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS) conducted in Luxembourg in 2019, the proportion of obese adults increased from 15.6% in 2014 to 16.5% in 2019.

In 2019, the obesity rate among men (18.4%) was higher than among women (14.6%). Being overweight affects 40% of men and 24% of women in the Grand Duchy.

The study entitled “Health Behavior in School-Aged Children” dating from 2022 revealed that being overweight and obesity among young people aged eleven to eighteen in Luxembourg represented 21%, a slight increase compared to the 2018 study when the rate was 19%.

According to the first report from the National Health Observatory, published last January, and entitled “Eng gesond Zukunft” (a healthy future), on the health of children in Luxembourg, the overweight rate among children aged eleven to twelve from less advantaged socio-economic backgrounds is 24%, compared to 18% among their peers from more affluent backgrounds.

All information can now also be found on the sante.lu website in a section dedicated to obesity.