At the week-end, the Café littéraire Bovary and hosted launch events surrounding the publication of Daniela Clara Moraru's book entitled "Our Magic Journey on Earth. A Book of Kindness, Friendship and Respect" / "Eis fantastesch Rees op der Äerd - ee Buch iwwert Frëndlechkeet, Frëndschaft a Respekt".
Daniela Clara Moraru talked with and explained that she has got the idea last year and was delighted to see her latest project come to fruition. She explained that it is ideally for 4-8 year-olds, and many pages have QR codes which provide an accompanying audio text in English / Luxembourgish.
According to the author, "The book of short stories for children "Our Magic Journey on Earth. A Book of Kindness, Friendship and Respect" is a reminder for children (and adults alike) that we are just a tiny part of our planet and should therefore treat it with utmost respect and care. We should grow up to seeing ourselves as part of the world and connected to its nature, inhabitants, their different cultures and history."
Published in both English and Luxembourgish, the book is currently available from Librarie Ernster and Auchan, and is expected to also be available at other locations shortly. Cost: €12.95.
The author donated €1 for each copy sold on 6 December at the Café littéraire Bovary, or ordered by email that day, towards supporting the people of Albania after the tragic earthquake that happened last week.