As part of its policy of commissioning musical compositions, the Ministry of Culture has launched a call for applications for six new composition projects for the 2018-2019 season.

The call is open to any Luxembourg composer or resident and any composition selected by the orchestra/ensemble concerned will be remunerated at a flat rate of €5,000.

Project partners and performers of the compositions are: Solistes Européens Luxembourg; Musique Militaire Grand-Ducale; Orchestre de Chambre de Luxembourg; orchestra ensemble "Estro Armonico"; the ensemble "Lucilin"; Ensemble Vocal du Luxembourg.

A minimum duration of 8 minutes is expected for works composed for Solistes Européens Luxembourg, Musique Militaire Grand-Ducale, Orchestre de Chambre de Luxembourg and "Estro Armonico". For any piece composed for the Ensemble Vocal du Luxembourg, a minimum duration of 10 minutes is required, whilst those composed for the ensemble "Lucilin" should last at least 12 minutes.

Applications should be sent by 26 January 2018 via email:, indicating the target ensemble or orchestra. These should also include a full biography, a list of composed works with possible audio or video examples as well as any other useful information.

It will then be up to the artistic directorates of the orchestras and ensembles in question to make their choice among the applications submitted.