After five years, the 1,2,3 Go Social has taken on a new look and has changed its name to Impuls.

1,2,3 Go Social is now officially known as Impuls, a name which aims to reflect its both its roots and its ambition. Impuls has a new, more inclusive identity and a new dedicated website.

Moreover, the new name aims to give the project more practice and concrete results, with emphasis being placed on the dynamism and the realisation of each entrepreneurial project. The promoters of selected projects will be challenged on practical objectives and will receive in-depth support throughout the duration of the programme.

The new mode of operation of the program is based on the Lean Canvas method: rather than being judged on a large theoretical document, project promoters will be invited to quickly meet with their users and build their product or service with them.

These changes will be applied to the re-entry promotion, which begins in a few weeks, and for which there is still need for projects to fill the last available places; applications are open until 27 September 2017. All social, societal or environmental projects are welcome to apply.