CGDIS logo; Credit: ASS

The Grand-Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps has revealed its new logo, aimed at making it more recognisable for the public.

Following the adoption by the Chamber of Deputies of the draft law on the organisation of civil security and the creation of a Grand-Ducal Fire and Rescue Corps (CGDIS), the Minister of the Interior Dan Kersch yesterday presented the next steps in the implementation of the public institution.

Recognising the need for this reform, the unanimity of the vote demonstrates the esteem that policy makers feel towards all the actors who have actively contributed in recent years to the drafting of the bill as well as to all voluntary and professional agents. who commit themselves daily to help their fellow citizens.

The imminent installation of the CGDIS board of directors, which will be composed of 8 representatives of the State and 8 representatives of the municipalities, is essential. Until the effective establishment of the CGDIS, one of the priorities of the Board of Directors will be to prepare the first CGDIS budget and implement the internal management procedures.

Minister Dan Kersch pointed out that enforcement measures will also be discussed with stakeholders in the field before they come into force: “We continue to work through a participatory method and in full transparency".

The Minister of the Interior will hold six public information sessions on the structure and functioning of the future CGDIS in Steinfort, Burmerange, Diekirch, Esch/Alzette, Junglinster and Wincrange. These meetings will especially give the mayors, aldermen and communal councillors and all concerned relief services the opportunity to discuss the subject.

With the aim of creating a sense of belonging and allowing the population to visually recognise emergency workers, a new visual identity has also been launched. The new logo is the fruit of a close collaboration with the forces of the emergency services.