On Tuesday, the Mayor of Luxembourg city, Lydie Polfer, together with a number of city councillors, met a number of children from the primary school on the rue de la Congrégation in Luxembourg's city centre who were celebrating Liichtmessdag.
The tradition of Liichtmessdag is also known as Candlemass; this is where, normally in late afternoon, children carry lit lanterns on sticks and sing the song Léiwer Herrgottsblieschen, hoping for gifts of sweets. The tradition is based on a mix of religions and pagan custom and stems from Celtic times when farmers would ask the gods for a bountiful season in the fields, across which they would carry lit torches.
Liichtmëssdag is known in other countries as St Brigid’s Day, celebrating fertility and purity, following the winter season; traditionally, farmers paraded with lit torches, asking St Brigit to make their land fertile for the coming season.
Photo by Charles Soubry, copyright Phototheque VDL